Pricing well suited to your business


Increase bookings and get started for free

Always free

Get started
Up to 10 guests per month
1 booking per time slot
Online booking website
Basic Customer management


Get more bookings and manage reviews

NGN 1,666.67

every month
Start 30 days free trial
Everything in Starter plan
Unlimited guests
Basic Review management
Automated appointment Reminder


Unlimted appointments and control over your schedule

NGN 7,500.00

every month
Get started
Everything in Pro plan
Unlimited booking per time slot
Advanced schedule management
Advanced review management
Advanced Customer Mangement
Advance analytics
Website theme colour customization


Increase number of clinets you can accept at a time

NGN 16,666.67

every month
Get started
Everything in Growth plan
Features will be provided when ready

Common Questions

Do I need to pay for CityLife?

No. You can use CityLife for free. Various plans Gives you access to various features

What happens when I use my total guest in a month?

Your website will still be active. It will communicate your customers you are fully booked.

Does my client pay in my account directly?

Yes. We use Paystack to process payments. Paystack will credit you the total amount amount the next business day. So, payments received on Monday, will be settled into your account on Tuesday.

Does my client pay in my account directly?

Yes. We use Paystack to process your payment for security. Paystack will credit you the total amount amount the next business day. So, payments received on Monday, will be settled into your account on Tuesday.

Do you offer discount?

Yes. We offer discounts on growth and Premium plan. You can save ask much as 18,000 or 40,000 depending on the plan.

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